Friday, April 17, 2009

Another bump??

Yes of course. It think this has to have been one of the bumpest roads ever...


Today, I open my email and there is an email from my agency!! "China Adoption." I think to myself as my heart is racing - our LOA!!! It is here!!

I open it.

Nope, not the LOA. CCAA has asked that we now go to the online system. We are having to move our paperwork online. All of this paperwork has been sent to China, meaning it needs to be recreated here.

Supposedly it will not lengthen anything, however, there have been many families with LOA's already who were logged in at the same time. Will it add time? I guess we will never know, really. Because no matter what, we have to do it and the LOA time is our time.


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